‘Tis the season to be jolly…

…and we want this festive season to be the jolliest ever, for all…

Get Merry with us…

…sample our Festive Drinks menu this Christmas…

available from 25th November onwards

Look at our Festive Drinks menu

A Roast for Everyone…

…no matter who you are!

This Christmas, we’re offering a traditional 3 course roast dinner as an option for your Christmas party.

available from 25th November onwards

Download Festive Menu

Don’t fancy a Roast?

That’s no problem at all… as we also have our tasteful standard menu available throughout the festive period.

Download our menu

Sleep tight…

…in one of our stunning, award winning bedrooms…

20% off rates available now
Book Now

Book now – email christmas@thequaysidehotel.co.uk, call 01205 500501, or drop us a message through Facebook!